There are often occasions in the kitchen when a particular ingredient is not available or you run short of an important ingredient right in the middle of cooking a particular dish putting a brake to the pace of things. Don't panic!! This need not be a catastrophe, as there is often something else that can be used as a substitute. Check out this list of ingredient substitutes which I have managed to get together from various sites on the net. It is just a little cheat sheet to help you get past that little speed breaker which I am sure all of us face sometime or the other.
Use a small amount of Turmeric instead.
Crushed water biscuits or cornflakes.
Cornflour/Cornstarch (1tbsp. as a thickener)
Use 2 level tbsp. plain flour.Cornflour/Cornstarch (1tbsp. as a thickener)
Single Cream (1/2 pint/285ml)
Use 8fl. oz./225ml milk plus 2fl. oz/60ml melted unsalted butter.
Honey (8fl. oz/225ml)
8 oz./225g sugar plus 4 tbsp. water or golden syrup.
Dark Brown/Muscovado Sugar
Dark Brown/Muscovado Sugar
White sugar and a teaspoon/5ml of treacle or honey per 100g.
Lemon juice (1 tsp)
Lemon juice (1 tsp)
Whole milk (1/2 pint/285ml)
1/2 pint/285 ml. skimmed milk plus 3 tsp. melted butter.
Tartar sauce (4 fl. oz/115 ml)
Tartar sauce (4 fl. oz/115 ml)
7 tbsp. mayonnaise plus 2 tbsp. chopped sweet mixed pickles.
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Sauce
Condensed tomato soup or a packet of tomato soup made up with half quantity of water.
Seafood/Thousand Island sauce
Seafood/Thousand Island sauce
Use 2:1 mix of salad cream and tomato ketchup. You can alter the quantities of each to taste.
Condensed tinned soup or packet soup made up with half the usual quantity of water.
Sour milk or cream
Sour milk or cream
Just add a tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar to each half pint of fresh milk or cream and stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
Or use natural yogurt
Run out of baking chocolate and you really must have that gooey dessert!
Run out of baking chocolate and you really must have that gooey dessert!
For every ounce (oz) of unsweetened baking chocolate required, mix a quarter of a tablespoon of butter with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
Recipe requires self raising flour and you only have plain.
Recipe requires self raising flour and you only have plain.
Plain flour can be used with the addition of baking powder. The amount to add varies depending upon what is being cooked, however, a usual amount would be 1 level teaspoon of baking powder to 4oz. flour.
No baking powder.
No baking powder.
This can be substituted with two parts Cream of Tartar to one part Bicarbonate of Soda/Baking Soda.
No fresh yeast.
No fresh yeast.
Two teaspoons of dried yeast can be used for 1/2 oz. of fresh yeast. Follow instructions on the dried yeast packet.
Short of an egg.
Short of an egg.
If you need an extra egg for a cake recipe that uses a raising agent such as baking powder or self raising flour, replace the missing egg with 15ml (1 tablespoon) of vinegar. This will not affect the result
Mix a little more than 3/4th cup milk and 1 Tbsp vinegar or lemon juice and let the mixture stand for 5 minutes.Then, use as much as your recipe calls for.
All Spice
Mix together equal parts nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.
Cream of Tartar
For beating egg whites - use an equal amount of white vinegar or lemon juice, or omit the cream of tartar entirely
As a leavening agent - replace the baking soda and the cream of tartar in the recipe with baking powder. One teaspoon of baking powder replaces 1/3 tsp of baking soda and 2/3 tsp cream of tartar.
For frosting - leave the cream of tartar out. No substitution is necessary.
Ground Clove
Substitute the ground cloves called for in the recipe with an equal amount of allspice.Out of allspice, too? Then, use cinnamon or nutmeg instead. Your recipe will still turn out great.
Homemade Italian Seasoning
Mix together 2 Tablespoons basil, 2 Tablespoons marjoram, 2 Tablespoons oregano, 2 Tablespoons rosemary and 2 Tablespoons thyme. Keep in an airtight container.
These are just a few pointers to help you out in a tight situation.
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